The goal of chiropractic care is to identify and correct misalignments of the spine referred
to as chiropractic subluxations. The correction of subluxation results in the alleviation of
pain in the involved spinal joints, reduction of spasm of spinal and paraspinal muscles,
and reduction of spinal nerve root pressure. Typically patients seek care for treatment of
back pain, neck pain, headache, or pain radiating into the legs or arms. However, the
nerve pressure created by the chiropractic subluxation can have a negative effect on our
bodies ability to adapt and respond to the stress of the environment leading to altered
function aod disease. Therefore, by keeping the body free of chiropractic subluxations,
you can enjoy a improved pain-free lifestyle as well as enhanced bodily function
improving overall quality of life.
Conditions most commonly treated in our office: low back pain, leg pain and/or
numbness (sciatica), lumbar neural canal stenosis, neck: pain, headache, arm pains and/or
numbness radiating into hands, auto accident and work injury resulting in any of the
above conditions. We also have had excellent results with treatment various conditions
resulting from spinal nerve pressure such as sinus congestion and esophageal reflux.