Sports Injuries Leave Clues!
There are good reasons why the athlete should seek a sports chiropractor for the treatment and rehabilitation of a sports injury. Active people are physically and emotionally different from sedentary ones.
It is also observed that the cumulative effects of constant athletic small stresses over a long duration can give rise to the same difficulties as severe sudden stress. Spinal injuries in sports constitute only about three percent of all athletic injuries. Thus, the chiropractor must be well prepared to manage the various musculoskeletal injuries that occur away from the
The chiropractic approach toward athletic injuries has demonstrated that everyone is better served by having the injured player promptly and ably treated, thereby obtaining recovery before irreparable damage is done.
Sports chiropractic and chiropractic rehabilitation have developed at a considerable pace over the last decade. As with other areas of chiropractic, where knowledge and understanding are rapidly expanding, it is necessary for the chiropractor to first be given an adequate basic preparation, and then be reminded of the necessity to keep abreast of the latest developments and advances. Thus, appropriate and timely rehabilitation protocols are essential.
It goes much further than just looking at Range of Motion or if pain is present or if the athlete can perform movements without pain, or if swelling is still present or not. After all, any athlete needs to be a able to function and use his or her body to the fullest and be able to count on it to achieve more than just a pain-free performance.
That’s what our office is all about and Dr. O'Hara has developed certain techniques to help find and isolate these potential weakness before they manifest into pain or decreased function, after all it is easy to treat an injury after it has taken place... but it's a whole new playing field to isolate and prevent them from happening in the first place, and many people can!
Our office is equipped to handle just about any Biomechanical Dysfunctional Patterns and correct them to restore your functional balance and improve your performance while decreasing your potential for injuries.